All DabCount Bot Commands

Below you'll find a table of all the commands availble with the DabCounter Bot.

Command Description
/dabcount Used to connect the bot to your current voice channel, enabling it to monitor the session and prepare for dab count interactions.
/add-dab Adds one dab to your count. This command increments your dab total by one and updates the bot’s display name to reflect the new overall count in your server.
/add-dab-multiple Used to add multiple dabs at once.
Specify the number to add; e.x. /add-dab-multiple 4
/remove-dab Removes the dabs added by your most recent /add-dab-multiple command. You can only use this within 60 seconds of your last multiple addition to quickly correct any mistakes. This command is per user, so it will not remove another user's dabs.
/dab-leaderboard [Admin only] Enables or disables the leaderboard feature. When enabled, the bot posts a leaderboard at session end showing total dabs and top contributors.
/dab-leaderboard-channel [Admin only] Sets the channel where the leaderboard embed is posted. Admins/mods can this command to designate which text channel in your server will receive the leaderboard updates.